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Showing posts from May, 2016

A Small Lecture About Career (Part 2)

When I write this post, I feel so anxious toward my thesis defense next week. Yep, and instead of preparing a presentation, I end up writing something in here. Now let me continue my small lecture about career. Well, this could be a good exercise for me as I will present these materials next week. On my last lecture , we already know that every individual has career development phase throughout his life. In order to make the transition in each phase smoother, we have to be an adaptive person. In career theory, we named it ' Career Adaptability '. Okay, seriously what is career adaptability and please answer it in a very simple way? Well, to make it very simple, if you are a person with a high adaptability in career, it means you can manage to overcome the challenges you face in each career phase . Got it? I hope so... Well, pretty much understand-able. Then how to be a person with a high adaptability in career? You only need to implement the 4 C's attitude!

A Small Lecture About Career (Part 1)

This post is going to be challenging because this would be about academic stuffs and I'm trying my best to simplify my explanation. "Min skripsi lo tentang karir? Ih gue mau curhat dong soal kerjaan." I get this a lot. For those who don't know, I'm a final year student in Psychology and currently gabut nungguin jadwal sidang busy finishing my paper about career. I have a big interest in career since my second year in college which I've written earlier . I found this as an interesting topic and gave me a lot of insights on tailoring my own career journey. Unfortunately, I guess this kind of thing is not as familiar as other psychology theory ya. Well, thank God, there this guy named Super. He is like the God in career theory and his theory is the main theory I use on my paper. I owe my life to him a lot. Ok, let's get to the business! First of all, you have to know that CAREER IS NOT A JOB . akademisi tapi ambil referensi dar

Sudah Sarjana, Lalu Apa?

Keika menulis ini, lagi-lagi saya sedang di fase jenuh skripsi  memikirkan rencana hidup. Sebentar lagi saya memasuki umur 22 dan akan diwisuda. Dulu sih, rasanya gak sabar untuk segera lepas dari dunia perkuliahan. Akhirnya bisa bebas dari tugas-tugas tidak manusiawi dan dosen-dosen pelit nilai. Akhirnya bisa punya uang sendiri dan hura-hura setiap hari. Tapi obrolan dengan seorang teman mengubah perspektif saya. "Kuliah tuh enak, Min. Udah jelas tiap semester lo mau ngapain aja.  Udah jelas bahwa tujuan akhirnya adalah lulus. Kalau udah kerja tuh, enggak ada semester-semesteran.  Tujuan akhir? Pft, bagi bos lo sih, kalau bisa lo kerja tiada akhir." Then I got stunned. Iya juga ya, selama ini saya disuapi tujuan hidup. Selesai SD, harus masuk SMP bagus. Selesai SMP, harus masuk SMA bagus. Selesai SMA, harus masuk UI dan lulus maksimal dalam 5 tahun. Selesai kuliah, terus kerja deh! Sudah. Come to think of it, getting a job is NOT a goal. Your first job is jus

Kembali Menulis

2016. Sudah bertahun-tahun sejak saya terakhir kali membuka blog ini. Lucunya, postingan terakhir saya bercerita tentang betapa bahagianya saya diterima di Psikologi UI. Sekarang? Pft saya sedang sibuk berkutat dengan skripsi agar bisa segera pergi dari Psikologi :p Saat ini menulis ini, saya sedang merasa jenuh dengan revisi dan tanggal sidang yang tak kunjung datang. Sudah berminggu-minggu kerja saya hanya submit-feedback-revisi-submit-feedback-revisi-dst. Bosan gak, sih? Isi feedbacknya? "Paragraf ini gak jelas!" "Mau ngomong apa sih??" "Kalimat tidak SPOK!!!" dan berbagai coretan karena kalimatnya kelewat bertingkat pun kata hubungnya berada di awal kalimat. Setelah saya telaah kembali draft saya, "Hmm, mungkin saya perlu belajar menulis lagi ya?" Maka di sinilah saya mencoba mengaktifkan blog saya kembali dengan semangat ingin memperbaiki kemampuan menulis saya. I will try to post some contents regularly