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Defining Success

I'm at my 22 and currently wondering,
"How to be a successful person?"
Tough question, huh?
I think it's easier to work on a paper than answering this kind of question.

I believe, be a successful person is everyone's goal.
I mean, who doesn't want to be success in their life?

Few days ago, I had an interesting conversation with a friend. She is a very bright and ambitious woman. I assumed after graduation she'll immediately get a job in a well known multi national company and someday she'll be the top management in the company. But guess what, it didn't happen that way.
"I chose another path because I value something else more. This is my goal. This is what I want to be."


I regret the fact I assumed every person goal is to be a leader in big company and have a lot of money.
I forgot that everyone is unique. We are all have our own background story. Your parent is different from my parent. Our education is different. Our circle of friend is different. Our experience is different. Our personality is different. How can you tell someone is more successful from others? What if that person you called 'unsuccessful' is already feel succeed?

Now the question is, how do you define YOUR success?

I personally define success as being happy and at peace with myself physically mentally emotionally.
Since I was a kid, I never see myself working in a company until I'm old. I see myself as a teacher or principal in a school. I never see myself giving direction to my subordinates. I see myself teaching my kids and travel to interesting palaces. No, I never see myself having a super big house. I prefer a small house with small garden and me trying to bake some cookies. That is success.

I know it's a long and bumpy and noisy road to get there. But I believe that kind of successful days will come.

Success = Manage to overcome the slippery road
to get to the top of the castle in Giessen, 2015


  1. Totally with you on this :) Salam kenal ya, Jasmine. Btw ini bener AwJasmine kah? :D

    1. Halooo! OMG how did you find me? haha
      Thank you for reading yaa, salam kenal juga :)

    2. LOLz I LOOOOVE YOUR VIDEO! Briliaann! :)) I love your blog and thoughts, too! <3

    3. ahaha 80% credit goes to Aldi! he's the lyric master :p
      thanks anw :)


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